Please, I was testing my WFC app on my phone to see how it was working. I put in a prayer request some minutes ago. But I believe I did not end it correctly. I do want to make sure I signed it anonymously, please. Thank you so much. It was about me needing a good attorney for some issues; that I believe God wants me to stand up for myself and fight for justice. I have been praying about it since the two issues happened a year and some months ago. The issues were very traumatic and stressful. For me due to my PTSD coming back from it in which I do not claim the diagnosis but after the trauma that occurred, I was most fearful of my life for well over a year from this one incident. Some supernatural fights are harder than others to overcome. And that is exactly what I was fighting against. The dark-wicked powers and spirits and assignments that were so evidently coming up against me.
But He who is in thee is far greater than he who is in the world. I thank God for sister Wendy Burch and Nellchy Kently and brother Aaron G. prayed for me, As well. They prayed with me several nights when I was in fear. And rightly so with a mad- violent demonic man coming against me hard.
Thank you so much. And I do thank God for WFC and Rich and Amanda and the team. God is so good.
Brother Rich and Amanda I have emailed you in more detail. Thank you so much for your prayers.