I have a lot going on right now that I need prayer for, but mainly these two things: suddenly 2 weeks ago my hair started falling out… like, in handfuls. I’ve lost almost half my hair in 2 weeks and it’s really starting to scare me. I think it could be my IUD (that I don’t want, but I don’t really have a choice right now, long story), or maybe my Hep C is flaring up (but I don’t have the other symptoms that usually creates), so I don’t know. I can deal w/ being bald if that’s God’s will for whatever reason, but just please pray that there’s nothing serious wrong with me. The idea of me dying leaving my daughter without a mother is my worst fear. I don’t trust anyone else to raise her, to be honest.
And also, I’m having a lot of problems with my husband, or really he’s having problems and it’s causing a lot of issues in the whole family and I don’t know how to help him. Please pray for him to get saved and pray for him to get ahold of his sin and mental issues. I love him so much and I don’t want our daughter to have a broken family, so please pray for God to heal our family and save my husband.
It would mean so much to me. Thank you.